Day 4 of TCW, relaxation and sunset cruise

I have to admit that when our workshop ended today, Kirpal made a comment that made me feel a bit sad. He said "We will end our physical time together tomorrow, but that doesn't mean that our time will end indefinitely. We have become a community here in this workshop. Some came knowing none and will leave with 13 new friends. For some of us, this workshop will only live in our memory" The last part really stood out to me because today's activities were all about memories and resurfacing them in creative ways.
One activity was to take a walk, alone, around the perimeter of our hotel and through it. We were to find something that reminded of us our childhood. Then, we came back together and he had us team up randomly in groups of 3 or 4 and take our group members to the thing that triggered a memory. When I went out alone to find something, I felt forced. I found myself thinking of my childhood and trying to find a time in which I could connect something to here. For example, for some reason I was really wanting to find a movie store...Blockbuster was on my mind LOL! Those are outdated here as well so as I was walking I walked past a pet store with an open door and suddenly had my something that brought back childhood memories of my grandmas house: the smell of cat litter 😂 (at one time she had 14 cats! Her home didn't smell at all but the basement bathroom was the "cat bathroom" and the litter smell was strong in there!) You laugh, but try this activity next time you are somewhere foreign to you. It is hard to connect at first and then as you are conscious of finding something, it will just hit you. It may be an object, or a smell, a feeling, possibly a taste. It was really interesting to experience.

After the workshop, I'll admit that I came back to the hotel room for a nap. Doreen joined the others staying in the hotel at the pool for the afternoon. Relaxation was key and we achieved it! I joined them down at the pool around 3pm for a quick dip. The pool is gorgeous with one entire side as a waterfall.

Around 5 we ventured back into the village and went to dinner at Amphora, a highly recommended cafe on the harbor. There are so many cafes that there is no way to try all of them in the short time that we are here. Three FFTfellows from CT (East Hartford!) are staying at an AirBnb and the house owner left them with a list of the must eats. Dinner was excellent. One thing about Greek eating is that they always share plates. I may have mentioned it in my post from yesterday how Anna Maria told us that the locals laugh at the tourists because they all order their own meals...when they bring food to the table they will never put it right in front of you, they want you to share! Another thing about Greek eating is it is LOOOOOOONG. You need to leave yourselves at least 3 hours for a proper meal.

Our sunset cruise was set to depart at 7:30 so at 7 we told our waiter we needed the check. How silly that we forgot about the complimentary dessert and dessert wine that always come to the table. So between that and receiving/paying our bill, it took us almost to 7:30. We walked over to the spot where the boat was supposed to be and to our dismay the man said that the cruise was cancelled for the evening due to rough seas. It was a bit breezy so I suppose it was a good thing, considering I get seasick, carsick, motion name it!

Well, it turned out to be a blessing because instead, we found a quiet spot on a pier and enjoyed the sunset. I think you'll agree that the photos are absolutely amazing.


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