Gramvousa and Balos Lagoon

Before I even start typing, I'll be honest. Today is July 2. So our last two days of our wonderful learning experience will be typed as truly in the past as they are now just memories, but memories that will be with us for always.

Tuesday was our last full day and our last day on Crete. We booked a tour, but nothing like the Samaria Gorge. It was called Gramvousa and Balos Lagoon. There was a photo I found when I first googled Crete and I needed to find the location and take the picture myself. How did I do?

Googled photo:

My photo:

Needless to say, we were definitely in paradise for the day.

Our day started by being picked up at 8:30 by another large charter bus. I had already checked out our route so I knew that we were not going to be climbing any mountains or taking any sharp turns over cliffs. However, we were the first two on the bus which meant we had to go along for the ride to fill the bus with other excited lagoon-goers.

Cue TCW. One thing that we learned during the workshop was how to observe and turn ordinary into extraordinary through creative thinking. We took this time to really examine the people boarding our bus and created stories for them. It's fun to do, and I look forward to implementing this in my classroom as a creative writing activity.

We traveled by bus to Kissamos to meet the ferry. Then we traveled for 1 hour on a ferry along the inlet coast to our first stop: Gramvousa. We stopped and disembarked to explore the small island. From there we got back on the ferry for a 20 minute VERY ROUGH ride to Balos Lagoon. Here is a map of our route. This is the western most part of Crete.

The calm waters were inside the inlet, while it was quite rough on the outside. On the short trip from Gramvousa to Balos, I got seasick (any and all of my students could tell you that Mrs. Kirchberger gets motion sick..I make a big deal out of a quiet bus ride on field trips and I only sit in the very front seat!)

Gramvousa was beautiful. there was a fortress to climb up to, however if you'll remember what our day was like the day before, there was no way we were going up (or down) anything. 

Here are a few photos of Gramvousa:

Here are a few photos of Balos Lagoon:

 Two more of Gramvousa:

The Flag of Greece flying on the back of our ferry:

Although we were both quite tired after the day's events, we went out to eat on our last evening in Crete. It was a beautiful cafe as they all were.


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