A Day In Athens...

Going into this day I sang "this is the day that never ends....it will go on and on my friend!!" Lambchop anyone?! What was that show???

After dinner the night before we still had to pack, so we didn't get to sleep until about midnight, Greece time. We woke up at 4:45 am. Boarded the short flight to Athens at 6:15 and landed at 7. by 7:15am we were in our private taxi car with our driver, Spiros.

George's Taxi Tour was the company we hired for this day tour and we are so thrilled that we did. Spiros spoke English and took us to all of the must see spots in the time we had.  Here are a whole bunch of photos from our day. Make sure to scroll all the way down!

 A summer camp of students walking down the street:
 The Stadium:

We returned to the airport at 2:30pm and boarded our long flight to New York at 5:30pm, still Greece time. Then we flew for 10 hours! I only slept for about 2 hours on the plane, Doreen for a little more. I'm not sure why I couldn't sleep. The plane was not full so we each had a whole row to ourselves to stretch out and be comfortable.

We landed at 9:30pm EST time. (4:30am Greece time--if you're following along we've been up for more than 24 hours, with a nap) Got in our car by 10:30pm EST and walked in my door at home at 12:15amEST. (7:15am Greece time) WOW!!!

I was in bed by 1am and can honestly say that I was asleep before my head really hit the pillow.

We chatted with each other Thursday evening and shared that we both didn't leave our houses and slept most of the day. Our flight to Minneapolis for the NEA Representative Assembly departed Friday afternoon so we needed all the rest we could get!

I hope you have enjoyed following us on our Learning Experience brought to us by Fund For Teachers. We are extremely thankful for the experience and look so forward to implementing our learnings in our classrooms and community.

Continue to check in with this blog, we will post again from time to time especially when the school year begins and share how our experience affects our teaching practice.

<3, Mrs. Kirchberger and Ms. Lawson


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