Day 4 continued

So, when we were asked to walk around the area and find something that reminded us of our childhood, I thought, "What could possibly be here that would bring back those memories?"  And to my surprise, right away there was a green, similar to the one in Waterbury, CT, where I grew up.  It reminded me of my high-school years.  We would take the city bus downtown, walk through the green and continue to our school.  Then, after school, we would do the same to get back to our buses.  But first, we would get pizza or caramel corn, or go shopping for clothes.  So many memories! 

As I continued back to our hotel, I came across a shop selling plants:  basil, parsley, tomato plants... WOW! More memories flooded back to my father's garden he planted every spring.  I used to help him weed it when I visited.  We would use the herbs and tomatoes for our Sunday sauce.

So, you have to remember to have an open mind when you are given an assignment. 


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