May 2 Orientation Dinner

Last night was our celebratory orientation dinner and we got to meet the friendly faces behind the Fund For Teachers. It was AMAZING! Truly an inspiring evening. The energy in the ballroom that was filled with 149 CT 2018 fellows and nearly 50 FFT staff, previous fellows, and proposal readers (aka ambassadors) was undeniably present.

The evening started with receiving our funds and sitting through a logistics meeting. This learning experience that Doreen and I are to embark on is already so much more than we expected. You will have continue to read our blog to find out just what is to come!

After the short meeting we were able to mingle with other fellows before sitting down to dinner. Up until last night we only knew the names of the other CT fellow recipients, not their actual fellowships. Well, last night we found out that there is a team of 3 ladies from East Hartford that are attending The Creativity Workshop in Crete also!!!!! Naturally, I wanted to chat with them all night and compare travel plans, however the FFT staff had other plans for us. I was able to switch cell phone numbers with one of the travelers in the group and have already began a conversation through text. (She also will be attending the same CEA Representative Assembly that Doreen and I are attending May 18-19!)

Our name tags had table numbers on them, we were meticulously placed around the room. As introductions were being made, we found out that we were sitting with the ambassador that read and approved our proposal! How cool is that?! Throughout dinner, we engaged in a facilitated discussion with the other 2018 fellows at our table. We learned their hopes and dreams for the impact that their fellowships will bring to them, their students, and their classrooms. We shared the same. It was invigorating to hear and share.

We also received a packet with the signs that you'll see so much of during our journey. I AM A FUND FOR TEACHERS FELLOW! We are!

The evening concluded with a panel of 2017 fellows answering questions and giving us all tips for the best experience. Then, we all stood around our tables and held hands (sounds weird but it was amazing to be a part of), closed our eyes, and sent a hand squeeze around the table. Starting and ending with our ambassador, it was pretty cool!

Slowly but surely our experience pieces are being confirmed--we sent our checks for The Creativity Workshop today! Our Athens tour was confirmed a couple of days ago too.

I feel like I should start a countdown to our departure, but it just doesn't seem right because it would also be a countdown to the last day I spend with my current students and as I say every year--It's a bittersweet feeling!

We'll write again soon...please share and bookmark our blog. We would love to have you follow our journey <3

Yours in education,
Mrs. Kirchberger


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