The Background Info...

First, we are so incredibly thankful, excited, and blessed to be able to be write this blog. Doreen and I spent very long hours writing up a very detailed proposal to apply for the prestigious Fund For Teachers Grant. My very first blog post will explain the background of how this all came to be...

As seen on their About Us section of their website, Fund For Teachers "supports educators' efforts to develop skills, knowledge and confidence that impact student achievement. By trusting teachers to design unique fellowships, Fund for Teachers grants validate teachers' professionalism and leadership, as well. Since 2001, Fund for Teachers has invested 30 million in nearly 8,000 teachers, transforming grants into growth for teachers and their students."

Doreen and I were introduced to this prestigious grant by our district. The proposal was due January 31st so around the holiday break at the end of December we began a conversation about applying. Doreen and I are travel buddies. We have attended the NEA Representative Assembly together for the last two summers (Doreen for a couple of summers before that without me) so we know that we are compatible travel partners! i.e. She doesn't snore any louder than my husband LOL

During the winter break, we began exploring the possible fellowship learning experiences. The world was truly at our fingertips! We landed on The Creativity Workshop. After exploring their website and conversing through email with their representative we began our FFT proposal. There was a workshop in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic that ran during July, dates that worked for both of us! We started exploring Prague. (**I bet I know what you're thinking--"but your blog name is Two Teachers Travel to you notice that typo Mrs Kirchberger??" And yes, I will have to wait for that story!) When I mentioned that we worked for long hours earlier, I meant it. We met almost every afternoon of winter break at our local coffee shop and then every weekend (and a few weekday afternoons) in January. We would start at the coffee shop and then move to the town library--which was open later than the coffee shop!

To be short on the actual application, applicants need to create a proposal that will enhance their teaching and directly correlate the effect that it will have on their students and community. They need to fully plan for their learning experience all the way down to the specific details of travel and budget. More info can be found on the Fund for Teachers website, linked above. We highly recommend taking a look and considering applying if you are a teacher who meets the criteria listed.

On January 28th, we hit the "submit" button and began our long wait for results. We knew we would have to wait until April 5 to hear by email, positive or negative news. The hardest part by far, for me, was keeping the secret from most of my friends and family. Of course my ever supportive husband and equally supportive principal knew. There were a select few, beyond the FFT representatives and previous district recipient, Sonja (who helped us tremendously with our proposal), that knew. We took the advice of them and shared our proposal to have the "extra eyes" read through.

Then the waiting process began, I'd estimate that I asked Alexa: "how many days until April 5?" about 3 times per week. It was when she answered back "There are 10 days until April 5, 2018" that I really began getting uncontrollably anxious. Doreen and I started a texting countdown, having too much fun with GIFS.

Flash forward to Thursday, April 5th. Doreen and I were anxious ALL DAY! Around 2pm I sent her this GIF and said something along the lines of  "my eyes look like hers!" Click my words to see the GIF--I will learn how to post photos directly to the blog soon, I'm still very new to this!

Stay tuned for our next post....what do you predict happened next??

<3, Mrs. Kirchberger


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