So, it has been a whirlwind of emotions for us since we hit the submit button on the Fund For Teachers grant proposal.  We knew the waiting was going to be torture.  Unlike Ali, I told many people about it.  I was confident in our proposal writing as we did our research and sought out suggestions from other fellows; however, there was the chance that maybe ours was not one of the proposals that would stand out the most.

There was no certainty as there would be thousands of grant applicants.  The countdown began from that day forward. With only 10 days left, we began the countdown - sending text messages daily to each other with GIFs.

April 5th finally arrived.  We couldn't bear the suspense as the clock ticked.  Each minute seemed like an hour, each hour like a day.  We texted back and forth (while teaching of course!).  Finally, minutes before 4:00pm we got the news!  We both received congratulations letters!

The following day, I shared the letter with my second-period class.  I put in up on the SmartBoard and one of my students decided to rap it to the class.  I couldn't get my phone out fast enough but did get some of it.  It made my day!


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